- 1)Disconnect neg. side from battery.
- 2)Put car on jackstands or use ramps.
- 3)Remove starter (13 mm socket needed).
- 4)You need to find a hardened shaft to put into holes in flywheel to keep motor from turning (I used
a allen wrench that barely fit into one of the holes and it worked fine)
- 5)Use a two ft. long 1/2" breaker bar to remove the 15/16 crank bolt (deep socket 15/16).
- 6)Use a heavy duty three prong puller that will fit into the pulley space (Sears),my puller seemed
to big but by switching hooks around it worked fine.
- 7)Get a smaller diameter bolt a little longer than the crank bolt to put into hole for the puller bolt to
push against and make sure the puller hooks are on the three tabs on the pulley, and crank till the
pulley falls off.
- 8)Take new pulley and lube the area where bolt will be turning against.(ASP recommendation)
- 9)Place pulley on crank and begin cranking down on pulley using old bolt (important).
- 10)Once bolt gets difficult to turn with rachet, switch to breaker bar with a cheater pipe closeby,
you may have to take off bolt a couple of times to check clearance between crank snout and
pulley face. It is important that you get between .095 and .170 thousanth's. Using two quarters
together is about .130 thousanth's, lay them on the crank snout, when the quarters are flush with
pulley face you are done seating pulley. ASP recommends to crank to 240 ft. lbs. to seat pulley
but I had to crank over 300 ft. lbs. to acheive those tolorances (if you have had a recent triple
by-pass heart surgery or you are a weak person you will need help to torque this pulley, it's a killer
seriously). This step is to keep pulleys aligned for the belts to stay in place. The old bolt is
stretched and cannot be used again (bolt loses clamping force), if used you stand the chance of
the bolt backing out.(not a good thing)
- 11)Take new bolt and apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads and crank away into the crank snout to
37 ft. lbs., mark at that point with a grease pencil. Take a protractor and make another mark 140
degrees after your first mark. There may not be enough room for a breaker bar at this point so use
a smaller rachet to get to the place where you can fit the breaker bar, you need to crank all the
way to the second mark. This is not easy to acheive , almost as hard as seating the pulley (a
protractor is easier than a torque angle meter)
- 12)Install starter, new size belts, hook up battery.
- 13)Draw line accross pulley face and bolt to moniter bolt and a line on back of pulley & crank to
watch for slippage.
- 14)Start car and ops. check. ENJOY!!!!!!